Tag: monitoring

Use SLOs in Dynatrace to Safeguard your Mobile App Revenue

Developing and publishing mobile apps within global marketplaces such as iTunes or Play Store is a tough business, where many companies fail. The definition and monitoring of strategic targets by using service-level-objectives (SLO) helps to keep up stability and performance of your app and therefore safeguards your app revenue stream. Customer expectations concerning your app’s performance and reliability are […]

Explore your Dynatrace monitored Service Topology with an Open Source 3D Graph Browser

While designing the new generic Smartscape topology model in Dynatrace, I came across a tremendously useful 3D graphing project: force-3d-graph by vasturiano. Cudos to Vasturiano and his valuable contribution to 2D and 3D graph visualisation in JavaScript and within your local Browser. This library enabled the implementation of an Open Source 2D and 3D graph […]